19 July 2004

Happy days are here again...

Things seem to be going really well at the moment, for no apparent reason at all. First, I get a full-time job teaching English with my old school (the last school where I taught in Auckland, not my old high school or anything), and then my social life really starts picking up. I'm bumping into friends I haven't seen for years, as well as making quite a few new friends. One of those friends, the owner of a Hong Kong fashion shop is going to put my name forward as a male model too. I don't think I'll get in, but it's nice for someone to think I have what it takes. Of course, by actually acknowledging that things are going well it's all bound to fall apart and lead to an end to this golden weather. But will acknowledging that it's bound to fall apart reverse the effect? And acknowledging that acknowledging.... Probably best to quit with the recursive acknowledgements for now. What else? Had a haircut, bought a new shirt from the Hong Kong fashion shop. Damnit, I seem to buy something new every time I go in, and it's a tough place to avoid because I'm not good at dealing with sartorial temptations and I'm friends with the owner. I'll just be sure to cut up my credit card and EFTPOS card before I go back there. I seem to be getting to the point where I'm dressing more like a (stylish) Asian than a regular Euro schmoe. I guess it's because the Asian clothes all have textures, whereas the more Kiwi styles rely on logos and printed designs. Not so subtle. Besides, I couldn't do without my insanely extravagant fur-trimmed corduroyish coat, even though it looks like a couple of badgers had to be slayed for the trim. Of course, looking like an Asian is all par for the course considering how, well, mixed-up I am in my head about what colour I am. Sure, on the surface I'm a Euro, but underneath I have no idea what I am. Not English, not Kiwi, not Chinese. I guess I'm either everything or nothing. Deliberately ambiguous I suppose. Anyway, this is turning into a stereotypical vanity blog post, much more and I might as well throw in the towel with regards to providing anything readable and instead regress to the omigods and ROTFLMAO of AOL chatrooms. LOL!!1!


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