Nothing to blog lately, life's been pretty sedate. One piece of good news is I found out I can finally ditch my Saturday morning class, at last :) It's not that they're a bad bunch of kids, it's just that I'm too groggy in the morning to be able to function very well. I've been teaching them for nigh on 6 months and it was only about a month ago that I finally learnt all of their names. Usually I have to get up early on Saturday mornings because I'm so terrible at them, I end up staring at my feet willing them to get moving, usually to no avail :) Oh yeah, one thing I've been meaning to write about. Okay, I know the Buddhist swastika is a symbol of peace, but it's still a little creepy to see swastikas all around the place. I can't really put into words why, it's just that the symbol's been drilled into my mind so many times as evil that it's a bit difficult to shed that image, even though the Nazi swastika is bent the other way. Incidentally, one (the?) Taiwanese equivalent of the Red Cross is called the Red Swastika. I just get this feeling that if I go to get treated there then I'm not going to come out very well off :) Ugh, too many late nights, I'd better get some shut eye now. I'll hopefully blog again pretty soon, though those of you that know me better know how bad I am at being punctual about these kinda things :)
Random Miscellanea
Ramblings on Shanghai, the universe and everything
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