17 May 2004

Inner Mongolia, here I come...

Finally decided to get out of Auckland by getting a job in Inner Mongolia. Not the first place I hoped for (that was Hohhot), but somewhere more north-east, bordering with Outer Mongolia. It looks pretty remote, mostly grasslands, though the city I'm working in apparently has 2.7 million people. I say apparently because I can't find much reference to this city on a map. Oh well, I guess whatever happens'll be a surprise, pleasant or otherwise. At least I have a better idea of what I'm in for this time. Compared to Gansu, this /should/ be a walk in the park. It's a very new school, higher grade kids and more motivated kids if the blurb is anything to go by. Even the blurb was written in passable English. Seems like I'm the first foreign teacher they've had, possibly the first the city has had. That's either very good because I'm a pioneer, or very bad because no one else is dumb enough to teach there. Either way, I may still have "the fonz experience" -- namely being able to walk in to a restaurant and everyone instantly knows who I am. I have to leave in the next couple of weeks, so lots to do and not much time to do it in. Still have to arrange tickets, visa, all that bumf, plus the incredibly more important bulk purchasing of Body Shop products to ensure my playful boyish exterior doesn't get wrecked by the climate. Though by the time I've paid for all of that product there probably won't be enough left for an airfare. Oh well. Not much else really, I've enabled comments now, so feel free to leave a comment (not that anyone other than my Mum reads this, but still...) Also got an online photo album, nothing on there at the mo, so I'll put the address up when I upload something.


At 10:09 am , Blogger Trevor said...

Yikes. It sounds crazy to me, but I admire you for trying something new. Good luck!


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