24 March 2005

Five and counting

Yep, that's how many jobs I have right now, depending on how you count them. That doesn't include my other pastimes, such as
  • being a high-class gigolo (because it's not just Asians in the West that are exoticized, after all)
  • begging on street corners, while carrying a fake baby on my back and waving my cup at foreigners
  • donning hood and cowl and prowling the dark streets of Shanghai as her guardian caped crusader
  • entertaining the masses and bringing joy to the hearts of millions by blogging
Yep, it's enough to give me grey hairs/lead to a premature nervous breakdown. It's not just the workload either, it's listening to canned muzak while on hold, an experience which sorely makes me want to beat hold-machine-manufacturers to death with their own spinal columns. So now my true sociopathic tendencies are revealed... It doesn't help that the air-conditioner in this office only "conditions" in the same way that Pavlov conditioned his dogs, that is making them do completely unnatural things. In my case it's sweating several times my own body weight within a single day, a feat which I heretofore thought to be impossible.


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