20 August 2003

A rose by any other name...

Okay, the English names my students have got is just getting a little bit crazy. One kid in my class is called Nike - yeah, like the clothing brand. Not only is it a truly bizarre name, but he's really a few waves short of a shipwreck. He reminds of a kid I knew in primary school who sucked permanent markers for fun. That's nothing though, I've heard from other teachers about kids called Tarzan, and there's at least one Harry Potter at our branch. I even had a Pollio in one of my older classes, apparently it's Spanish for chicken. Having said all that, I can't even begin to compare it to the names my kids had in China. On a daily basis I had to deal with Bloodbear, Bloodwolf, Bloodeagle, zero-zero-seven, and even a girl called Honey. Christ, going around calling school age kids ``honey'' in NZ would mean paedophilia, but that's what kids over there call themselves. Oh yeah, I've got one weird girl student in Taiwan called Fish as well. I don't even begin to know where they get these names, it's probably just as well :)


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