Fscking useless bastard goddamn sonofabitch DNS so-called servers
Having major trouble with my connection right now, seems like half of my ISP's DNS records are hosed, so getting into del.icio.us, slashdot, flickr and loads of other sites is damn near impossible. All I get are timeout errors. I can get through to some other sites OK, but there's neither rhyme nor reason why I can get to these and not to others. I would email the ISP to find out what's happening, but their contact details are on a support site. Which is in a different domain to their main page. Which I can't access. Typical. Anyway, since I can't get my del.icio.us fix and have fsck all else to do, I might as well write a bit more. Have decided to plug my blog in del.icio.us to try and get a couple more readers. Seems to be working so far. Within a few hours of posting it on Delicious (full speed ahead and damn the punctuation!) it's got another comment, my second in the whole time I've been running this thing. Was getting 503 timeouts for Delicious earlier today as well, with a completely different ISP. Hope like Hell it doesn't disappear entirely. Only been using it for a few weeks, but now that all my bookmarks are on there I'm going to be hosed if it goes tits up. Why can't all these social bookmarking services offer a standard file format to import/export? At least that way it'd be possible to migrate from one to another, whether due to it going under or a different having a different user base (and thus a different selection of links). Just realised yesterday that Delicious offered per tag RSS feeds. Yummy. Hmmm....still not going. Probably better to just give up hope for now, although that likely won't stop me checking every five minutes. Continuing in this insanely stream-of-consciousness post, I'll be going to Christchurch on Saturday, so you'll have a respite from my rants for at least a couple of days after that. That is assuming it all goes well with my girlfriend, whom I'm going there to see. Of course, if it all turns to jelly then I'll probably be right back here pouring my heart out to you guys, my gradually growing audience.
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