7 September 2004

My new Chinese blog

Just started a new blog in Chinese to help me practice. It's pretty bare at the moment, but expect it to fill up soonish. Unless I'm lazy. Which I will be. Feel like I've run dry writing anything in English. I guess teaching it all day every day has drained me somewhat, just no motivation for now. Anyway, if you do read the Chinese blog, don't expect too much. My Chinese is amateurish at best, and really it's more of an opportunity for me to practice than for public consumption. I'd keep a private diary, but I'm just so used to blogging now that it seems more natural this way. With any luck, blogging Chinese'll improve my Chinese skills the way this blog has improved my writing skills. This post isn't a shining example, but on occasion I can be more eloquent than I am now. The current (placeholder) title of the blog is my Chinese name, which I'm hoping to change soon. 艾力士 (pronounced something like Eye lee shuh), my Chinese name, isn't really all that authentic, and I'm thinking of changing it to something more natural-sounding. <geek> Oh yeah, the blog's encoded in UTF-8 rather than GB2312, so if you want to read it you may have to switch language/character sets (usually in the 'view' menu of your browser) <\geek> By the way, if anyone knows how to say 'blog' in Chinese, let me know, yeah?


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