27 September 2004

To boldly (and rather stupidly) go...

Well, I've had yet another insanely crackpot idea. Today's plan is to circumnavigate the globe like a latter day Philleas Fog, teaching English along the way. Enough said really. I mean, it's not as if going to the Gobi Desert and Inner Mongolia were madcap enough, so now I have to try to top that. Why? Because I'm sure I have a few screws loose and rattling around somewhere upstairs. I really should've learnt my lesson by now, i.e. don't do stupid stuff just because it sounds cool. Seems like it's late-onset teenage bravado kicking in. Anyway, next stop is possibly Taiwan or Shenzhen, verging on choosing Taiwan again. That is, unless I read my blog archives and remember what a so-so time I had there. At least this time it'll be teaching adults, thank gods. No matter what, at least I'll be able to enjoy Hsimen Ding market again, just thinking about all the garments makes me want to go back. Who knows? I might even get to experience a full-blown invasion if I go there. As if being there throughout the SARS scare wasn't bad and/or boastworthy enough. Not a lot else. I really, really need to get out of NZ. It's driving me up the wall here, living in such a small country. Sure, there are all the oh-so-wonderful things portrayed in the travel brochures to do, but after having been here for seven-odd years I've gotten (ooh, token Americanism) more than a little bored of it all. On top of that, I think it's giving me writer's block. I can't write like I used to, probably due to nothing interesting happening. Ever. It'll be nice to get out of this godawful rut and do something stupid yet interesting again. The way I see it, doing all this globetrotting, no matter how terrible it may seem at the time, will leave me with something to tell my grandchildren. That is, assuming I don't get killed in the process. This -- if my judgement in travelling is anything to go by -- is not actually all that far-fetched. I read a blackboard slogan the other day. It read "sometimes, you've got to let your sense of adventure triumph over your common sense," or something like that. I really wish that in my case it was only sometimes rather than always. Well, I could do worse; today someone was telling me how Sudan would be a nice spot in which to teach English. Right. Uh-huh. Signing off before I start seriously considering that idea.


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