6 October 2003

Identity Crisis...

It's getting to the point where I'm starting to wonder if I am who I think I am. For a start, half the time people think I'm about 30 years old, and the other half of the time people say I look like I'm 18 years old (after I've shaved, that is). It's not just Taiwan, there were even some people in NZ asking if I was a professor at Otago. Another thing is that people can't peg my nationality. Most Taiwanese assume white guy == American, so I'm not surprised that they assume I'm from the US, but I know some foreigners who are shocked I'm from the UK, assuming me to be Canadian or Irish. Very weird.

Finally, now that I've ditched the specs and got even thinner I doubt some people I know in NZ'll recognise me. I'm not bitching about any of this or anything, it just hit me the other day that all of this has been going on for quite a while now. (i.e. pre-Taiwan, pre-China even) Does anyone else have this whole ambiguous-age and ambiguous-nationality thing? I might as well try to act camp and get a few extra points for ambiguous-sexuality as well, just for the sake of completeness :)


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